L.M. Cole - Eat Me(at) Your Earliest Convenience


I cannot unmark these aged yellow pages. There is no second chance
to choose the words left.

- An Acknowledgment of Meat, Gratefully

Eat Me(at) Your Earliest Convenience sets subtext in aspic, and holds us in the styling of women as meat. Through erasure, vispo, and poetry L.M. Cole breaks gaze down like breastbone, asks ‘What of this body so full of offal? What happens to those of us not fit to eat?’

Digital download includes a scrollable page by page rendering of the print version and a booklet file formatted to print into a fold and print trimmable version perfect for sharing (no shame or blame, our goal is more books out in the world) or tucking away in a bag, pile, or pocket, until it’s just the right time.

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