Magpie Moon - Rachel Canwell


The end comes slowly.

Takes hours and every ounce of strength. As she sits by his bed Alice’s lungs grasp at the last remaining atoms of hot and fetid air.
And still the magpie stays.

For as long as Alice can remember, she has trailed after Agnes ears open and mind eager to learn the names and uses of all the plants in the wood. Her mother, she knows, has a way with healing and does her best to help the desperate and wary who show up at their door. Agnes is cautious and discrete in her workings but there are risks to wielding an unknowable skill. It’s a quick turn from grateful to frightened when Alice’s return to her hometown coincides with five sisters all falling sick.

Magpie Moon is a tale of mothers and daughters, of medicine and magic, a crisp walk through the dark days of girlhood where sisters collude and the kind may turn cruel.

Release Date: November 11, 2023

Digital download includes a scrollable page by page rendering of the print version and a booklet file formatted to print into a fold and print trimmable version perfect for sharing (no shame or blame, our goal is more books out in the world) or tucking away in a bag, pile, or pocket, until it’s just the right time.

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