Olympic Speedwalker - Savannah Wolden


All we wanted
was to be enveloped, so yes,
I will be the car window, I will
be the pillow over your head,
I will be the paper coffee cup.
Social media is sacred in this
era of non-communication.
I protect you through my phone
and that's all I can do.

For H

Sharp, barbed, and lovely, the poems in Olympic Speedwalker document love and life in your twenties, a time when everything is possible and few things look better than a nice night at home. Wolden takes us inside the friendships that sustain us, the loves that excite us, and the lasting sting of a loss.

Release date: April 30, 2024
28 Pages

Digital download includes a scrollable page by page rendering of the print version and a booklet file formatted to print into a fold and print version perfect for sharing (no shame or blame, our goal is more books out in the world) or tucking away in a bag, pile, or pocket, until it’s just the right time.

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