the funny little press
making funny little books

I'm going outside,
I'm gonna help organize

Something better,
something beautiful

- John K. Samson, Fantasy Baseball at the End of the World

purpose, accessibility, and values

kith books is TransMad and Cripqueer owned and operated under the direction of founding editor william katharine ‘wim’ blair. kith’s aim is to amplify and support primarily trans, queer, and disabled creators. if you have questions about adaptations or need reassurance about our ability to meet you where you’re living, we’d love to hear from you. if our mission doesn’t reflect your goals or values, please try somewhere else.

kith is open to pitches and submissions of all genres & art forms in all states of completion

submission requirements

manuscripts and queries should be tagged for potentially difficult content and emailed to with any pertinent context. no cover letter is required.

kith’s base pre-print agreement is available here

twitter: @kithbooks
instagram: @kithbooks